
Osteoporosis is a disease where the mass and calcium content of the bones are decreased, resulting in increased brittleness and increased risk for pathological and spontaneous fractures.

Bone mass changes with the age of the person; in young people building processes increasing the bone mass dominate, but in later ages, the rate is reversed.

Bone mass increases until the age of 25 to 30 years, and then the mass decreases and becomes weaker. Normal physiological bone loss is 3 to 5% per year.

If cells building the bones (osteoblasts) and cells breaking down the bones (osteoclasts) are out of balance, a more profound bone loss occurs, which may lead to osteoporosis.

The number of affected patients increases with the advancing of their age; the disease affects one-third of menopausal women and an even higher proportion of the elderly. The disease is four times as common in women as in men. Approximately half of the women are affected by a significant bone fracture in which osteoporosis might have a role, and only approximately one-fourth of them will fully recover.

The maximum bone mass is also decreased in the younger populations as a result of unhealthy life style; thus, they are also at risk for developing osteoporosis.

The prevention of osteoporosis should begin even in childhood: appropriate diet and exercise, and physical activity can be helpful in achieving the favorable peak bone mass, which will inevitably decrease later on. It is essential to identify risk factors early, and to start the appropriate treatment in due time.

Sager Pharma has marketed a drug, IDEOS chewable tablets (calcium carbonate with vitamin D3), which helps the prevention of osteoporosis and its supplementary treatment.

For the prevention of osteoporosis, a daily dose of 500 to 1000 mg calcium and 800 to 2000 IU of vitamin D, especially vitamin D3 being the biologically most efficient form is recommended. Vitamin D is needed for the active absorption of calcium. If the there is not enough vitamin D present in the body, the supplementation of calcium is less effective.

If you wish to get more information on Ideos chewable tablets, click here.

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