
Headache is the most frequent complaint of patients turning to a doctor, and headaches are the third most common cause in the population, for which, people are temporarily not work effective. Usually no organic disease can be detected in the background of headaches. Primary headaches are recurring headaches including migraines and tension headaches.

In Hungary, the most common type of primary headache is tension headache (38–47%), whereas migraine affects 8 to 12% of the adult population. For migraine and other headache sufferers, it is essential that their headache be ceased within a short period of time and to have a drug that can immediately ease it. Nevertheless, it is required to be aware of the characteristics of the drugs.

Besides efficacy, adverse effects should also be considered, especially the ones affecting the stomach and the cardiovascular system.

Sager Pharma offers a novel solution for headaches; it satisfies the needs and expectations of patients providing an effective but, still well tolerated therapeutic option.

For further information click here.

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