
Allergy is an abnormal hyperfunction, a response of the defense mechanism of the body in which antibodies are produced against normal substances being present in the environment of the body.
Symptoms are triggered by an external stimulus, the allergen (pollen, animal hair, mite, etc.).
The reason can be inborn, but environmental factors or diseases in the past medical history of the patient may also trigger the development of antibodies against the allergens being present in the surrounding of the patient. The disease can be triggered or the existing symptoms can be exacerbated by polluted air, inappropriate life style, and poor psychic health. The first symptom of the allergy can develop at any age, but usually it appears between the ages of 20 and 35 years.
Approximately 16 to 20% of the Hungarian population has mild to severe allergic rhinitis.
Depending on the triggering allergens, short-term or long-term allergic rhinitis may develop.

The following factors may trigger seasonal (mostly pollen) allergies:
Pollens of various trees and shrubs may result in complaints in early spring (from February to May): hazelnut, alder, and birch trees.
In May and June, grass pollens may lead to the development of symptoms: uncut grass emits large number of pollens into the air, but in July this emission is decreased.
Allergies in late summer and early autumn (August–September) are mainly triggered by weed pollens. Ragweed, mug wort, and ribwort are the most common weeds in Hungary.
Warm, dry and windy weather promotes the spreading of pollens, and the symptoms of the patients are always more severe in this type of weather than on calm, rainy days.
The first symptoms of pollen allergy are similar to those of a common cold, i.e., sneezing, watery or mucous nasal discharge, and limited nasal breathing, but these symptoms are permanent. Chronic itching of the eyes and conjunctivitis can also be very bothersome.
If the complaints are present for more than a couple of weeks, it is recommended to turn to a specialist.
Hypersensitivity of the bronchi, which may also lead to the development of asthma, is the most severe sign of the allergy of the airways.
Prevention and the treatment of the symptoms are very important if you have an allergy.
The most common allergy is hay fever or pollen allergy.
Watery, permanent or recurring nasal discharge with no fever but accompanied by nasal congestion, episodes of sneezing, itchy nose and eyes, and tearing.

Some advice for patients with pollen allergy:

  • Wash your hands and face frequently.
  • Rinse your hair every evening.
  • Air your room less frequently, and in the pollen season, you should not make a draught of air in the room.
  • Don't go to places with high pollen concentration.
  • When you go outdoors, always wear sunglasses or some kind of goggles to prevent pollens getting into your eyes.
  • When travelling by car, you should not open the windows.
  • Have a pollen filter be fixed in your car, and have it changed regularly.
  • If you travel by train, always sit back to the engine and have the windows closed.

Some advice for patients with allergy to mites or mold:

  • Clean your room more frequently, at least 3 times a week, under the furniture as well.
  • Make sure that your vacuum cleaner is equipped with an effective filter not to let the dust back to the air of the room.
  • Make sure that there are no cobwebs in your room.
  • Clean the floor with a wet cloth.
  • Don't have fitted carpets in your home.
  • Keep your things in closed cupboards and cases.
  • Don't go to places with high humidity.
  • Use washable, synthetic, cotton or wool duvet.
  • Don't use a feather duvet.
  • You should not have plants in your home as they promote the settling of mound.
  • Have an air cleaner of air filter fixed in your flat.

If you have an allergy, Revicet or Revicet Acute lozenges may give you some relief. If you wish to get more information, please, click here.

A kockázatokról és a mellékhatásokról olvassa el a betegtájékoztatót, vagy kérdezze meg kezelőorvosát, gyógyszerészét!