Dry eye disease

Dry eyes is one of the most common eye diseases. Every third person may be affected at some time during their life, usually over the age of 40, and one-fifth of those visiting an eye specialist are diagnosed with it. In the elderly, this symptom is more frequent as a result of the decreased function of the lacrimal glands, and it is especially common in women in menopause.

Symptoms appear on a wide spectrum of severity from mild to severe. Mild complaints might have an unfavorable impact on the quality of life, but in the worst cases, even ulcerative injuries may develop on the cornea of the eye if symptoms are left untreated. In the majority of the cases, the symptoms can be well managed by the elimination of certain environmental factors and the administration of the properly selected medicinal product(s).

The most frequently applied therapy is tear supplementation in the form of artificial tears, lubricating or moisturizing eye drops. Moisturizing eye drops decrease the eye discomfort and protect the surface of the eyes from possible damages resulting from its dryness. Moisturizing eye drops usually contain preservatives so that they could be used longer after they are opened.

As a result of advancement in technology, new preservatives are developed which can prevent the development of infectious agents in the dispenser, but they turn into harmless substances on the surface of the eyes by breaking down into oxygen and water. GenTeal eye drops and eye gel contain such a preservative.

As a result of further developments, there are certain products which do not contain preservatives at all. One of these eye drops is Hyabak eye drops, which are available in an ABAK® dispenser with a special filter to ensure the sterility of the solution for 3 months from opening.

Hyabak is composed of moisturizing and lubricating sodium hyalunorate, and actinoquinol that provides protection against UVB lights.

Medical / therapeutic aids to treat dry eyes. CE0459

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