Selenium supplementation

Selenium was discovered in 1817 by Jacob Berzelius.

Selenium is a trace mineral, which is an essential component in the antioxidant system of our body. Antioxidant compounds have an important role in neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are accused for the development of cancer formation, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disorders, and among others for aging.


Selenium was first proved to be involved in the functioning of the immune system in 1959.


Selenium deficiency is a frequent condition in patients in critical condition treated at the intensive care unit. Severe sepsis (general blood poisoning) and subsequent disorders are responsible for most of the deaths during general intensive care. Over 2,000 patients die from sepsis every year in Hungary. According to several studies the serum selenium level of patients with severe sepsis was found to be excessively low.* Sepsis can be explained with an underlying infection in all cases. During systemic inflammatory response syndrome and in sepsis, proper functioning of the antioxidant systems is essential; thus, selenium supplementation may promote recovery in these conditions.


*Sakr et al.2007 Br.J.Anaesth.2007 Jun;98(6):775-84